Welcome to Tuesday Night Movie Night. Some of you may be wondering things. Perhaps you are even forming questions. Here’s a page that helps with that.

What is Tuesday Night Movie Night?

It’s a newsletter, silly.

Every Tuesday, I email you one movie recommendation.

Sometimes, I'll give you films you’ve never heard of before. Other times, I'll give you movies well within the mainstream. This is beside the point, which is that each movie I give you is a bonafide good movie. That’s the promise.

Each email includes an image of the film poster and a button. The button links to my thoughts on the film, in case you want to know what I think. Some people do.

Also, I will not review things on a numeric scale, and I won’t publish things about bad movies. This keeps things simple. If a movie recommendation is published here, it’s good. If not, it is either bad, or it is on my backlog of movies to watch or post about.

Why should I sign up?

Here are some reasons:

It’s hard to find movies to watch. Why? Who cares. Tuesday Night Movie Night makes it easier, by narrowing it down to one good film, once a week. So you can use your brain for other things. Like reading or paying attention to your kids.

It’s embarrassing when you pick a bad movie. Irrefutably so. People will ridicule you. They may even call you names. This will wear on your self-esteem, and make you feel embarrassed. If you follow my recommendations, you’ll watch more good movies. And you will feel less embarrassed.

It’s fun to feel smart. Ever watch a movie and have thoughts about it? Like, intellectual thoughts? Perhaps you appreciated a particularly potent allegory, or the way the director played with sound in the edit.

My writings may affirm these thoughts, making you feel smarter for having had them. Or, perhaps I'll provide you with new perspective. This can also help you feel smarter.

Finally, if you’re struggling to have intellectual movie thoughts of your own, this newsletter will provide these thoughts for you. You don’t even have to think them by yourself. I expressly permit you to repeat these ideas to your friends to try to sound smart or superior.

What does it cost?

It’s free.

Who are you?

My name is Blake Levy. I like movies. I’m also a writer, though I’ve never published anything.

My brother likes movies too. We live next to each other. Every Tuesday, we watch a movie together. We’ve been doing this for years. On a week’s delay, I’ve always sent the movies we liked along to friends and coworkers, including a short writeup on each film. Over time, this became hard to manage. Copying and pasting across texts, emails, and chats. It was a mess.

Enter the email newsletter. A solution that would allow me to do exactly what I’d set out to do, without all the annoying parts. A solution that got me thinking. Maybe other people – people that I don’t know – like to read about movies too. And so, Tuesday Night Movie Night was born.

The mission is simple: build a community of people that watch good movies on Tuesday nights.

Perhaps you should subscribe.